I made a painting tool where 3D objects will appear when the user right clicks within the world. The 3D objects can also be destroyed by left clicking them.

The 3D objects that are created will be eliminated from the world within 3 seconds unless a toggle called Timed Destroy is turned off. Timed destroys variable can be changed between 1-5 seconds. There is also a Destroy All button that destroys all remaining game objects.

It will collect and show the users mouse position on an X and Y axis within the world.

The user will be able to change the type of 3D object that appears using a left click within a dropdown menu, choosing between a sphere, cube and cylinder.

Can change the color of future 3D objects with RGB sliders. Can also change the size, opacity and glow of current and future objects with sliders.

There is a Clear button that you left click to destroy all remaining 3D objects.

Can click on hour blocks on the clock in the world space to change the time. Or click the AM/PM button to change from night and day (+ or -12 hours).

Can left click on Directions button to show or hide the directions for the program.

Made withUnity